Is it Worth it? The Sims 4 Laundry Day Stuff Review.

by - 12:00

(Game Cover)

Why does the sims community have an obsession with doing laundry? As most of you guys know The Sims 4 Laundry Day stuff pack came out Tuesday, January 16. Everyone was pumped for this stuff pack because unlike previous stuff packs, we, the simmers. Had a say in it. People voting on the theme of the stuff pack, the objects, the clothing, and the icon. Which just made the stuff pack all the more special. I know that after the polls closed, and laundry was announced the winner, a lot of people were upset. But hey majority rule. (Also I voted for laundry, so suck it). Stuff packs are either hit or miss in my opinion. We have stuff packs like Movie Hangout, which was great. However, on the flip side, we have Spooky Stuff, AKA the worst $10 I’ve ever spent. Therefore, I’m always wary when a new stuff pack comes out. I assume you guys are the same way. Since I’m an impulse spender I buy first and ask questions later. However, for those of you who still haven’t bought the pack, and are wondering if it’s worth it. I’m here to tell you and give you an honest review. 

(Picture my sims in my favorite clothing from the pack)

Let’s talk about the new CAS items first. I know that lot of people were upset because there was an unequal amount of masculine and feminine clothes. However, with saying that the clothes we did get were great. Would I have liked more masculine clothes? Yes. I’d also have liked more feminine clothes. Keep in mind. It’s just a stuff pack. The clothes we did get were a mix between bohemian and rustic. A mix that I appreciated. The Sims team really upped their game with this time. A lot of the time I find that they release clothing that looks similar to ones we already have. However, all the clothing in this pack is pretty unique. I know that a lot of people liked the new hairs. Personally, though they weren’t my style, but again I like the variety. Also, I appreciate the patterns. In real life, I refuse to wear pattern, but I’m all for my sims wearing patterns. In fact, I encourage it. So all the new patterns we got in this pack get a thumbs up from me. 

(Picture of my laundry room build, link)

Next, let’s talk about the build/buy mode items. I was pleasantly surprised by these. They were all really nice. Though I will admit I would have appreciated a wallpaper and floor pattern (you can never have too many of those). Another thing I wanted more of was windows. We only got one window, and though I do love that one. I would’ve liked if they include two (or ten) more. What really surprised me about the new build objects in this pack is that there was a lot of decor. I love the decor. Everyone loves the decor. It makes’ your game more realistic. We needed new decor, and we got new decor. We also got new rugs. Now that I wasn’t prepared for. I expected to get like one new rug, but we actually got a few. Which is great because I’m always reusing rugs, and now I have more of a variety to pick from. Also the couches. We have to talk about the couches. You know what couches I’m talking about if you’ve seen the pack. The “Wicker Whims” Loveseat and Living Chair are everything! I don’t know if I could’ve asked for anything better. I just love the style, and once again we don’t have anything like that. Therefore, when it comes to build/buy mode they get a thumbs up. 

(Picture of my sims using the  washing tub, cute right)!

Now we must discuss gameplay. This area lets me down. The clothing in CAS, and the build/buy mode objects exceeded my expectations. Gameplay though lets me down. I had high hopes for the laundry machine, but they let me down. They’re just normal laundry machines’. Nothing special. Why did I expect something special? I don’t know. I did though, so I was let down. Also, I’m not sure I like that you know how to move laundry from the washer to the dryer (you didn’t have to do that in the Sims 3). Is it realistic? Yes. Is it a pain in my ass? Yes. Also, I’m having an issue with when my clothes are clean.. The stack of clean clothes just randomly ends up somewhere. I can never find them. Tell me if you're having that issue as well? Even though I was a little let down by the mundane laundry machine’s I was pleasantly surprised by the wash tubs. I’m not going to use them often, but it was a cute idea. Also the hampers. They are so cute, and I’m glad the clothes just automatically go in there. In summary, the gameplay surprising was the biggest let down for me. 
(My sims doing laundry, which is what this pack is all about)!

All in all, this is one of the better stuff packs. Is it the best? No, at least not in my opinion (the only opinion that counts). Is it the worse? No, not by a long shot. Do I recommend you get it? Yes. It's not a must though. Not a, I’ll die without it. Not a, I’ll be missing out on so much. If you don’t have it you’ll be fine (trust me). Your sims game won’t be incomplete. However, I also don’t think it’s a waste of money. If you have the money to spend on it (which I do not) then buy it. It definitely adds to your game. And if your debating between buying this, and Spooky Stuff, buy this. It is definitely one of the better stuff packs. Probably in my top five favorite stuff packs, and that’s saying a lot. However, can I give you some friendly advice ('m going to anyway).Wait. You don’t need it now. Wait till it goes on sale. They always go on sale. Wait till you have spare change (it’s only $10). Just wait. Is it worth it? Yes, but it's also worth waiting. (Unless your impatience. Like I am and need it now. Then get it)!  


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