The Sims 4 Hotel Challenge *Adapted*

by - 13:00

Hey guys it’s JjSimmer, and I made a challenge! Well sort of!. This isn’t my original idea. The hotel challenge was a challenge that first came to light I think in the sims 3, but people did convert it so you could play it in the sims 4. Gamer Margaret, played this challenge in the sims 3, and that where I was first introduced to this challenge. It also the first sims challenge I ever watched. I’ve wanted to attempt it myself forever, and i’m finally getting around to doing so. The reason I said that I made a challenge at the beginning is because I got some inspiration for the original hotel challenge. However, I made a lot of new rules, and I changed some rules to my liking. There are a few similarities between my hotel challenge, and past one’s. However, I spent a lot of time making mine perfect! Well at least perfect for me. As you can probably guess I will be starting this challenge on my Youtube. So there will be a link to that down below! There will also be a link to the versions of the hotel challenge that I drew inspiration. Anyways that's enough with the introduction, let’s get into the challenge!

The purpose of this challenge is to run a successful hotel. You will have one sim known as the hotel managers. Whose job is to repair all the items, clean the hotel, provide the meals for the guest. The hotel manager, is also in charge of making sure this hotel stays running. Another purpose of this challenge is for your hotel to be a non-permanent home to many guest. Guest come into the hotel from out of town, but they are intended to leave with roots. The hotel is intended to help them carry on their life story. Which is why guests are only allowed to leave once they’ve completed the requirements listed down below to move out. To complete this challenge you must have 20 sims move into your hotel, and eventually move out.

- 7 sims (not including hotel manager) most live at hotel at all time’s
- You may cheat to purchase hotel, but most use household funds to upgrade it, & cover expenses for the remainder of the challenge
- Exception: You may cheat when it comes to covering bill prices (I found out bill for hotels can be up to $50,000 a week, which is impossible to obtain in the sims 4), however you are required to pay $10,000 for bills each week
- Must start out with household only having $1000
- Must have: Elder, Toddler/Child or Teen, Supernatural Creature, and a Couples; As guests to start with
- All guest most posses the slob trait
- No maids, butler, repairmen or any other services with the exception of nannies
- If you miss bills twice you are forced to shut down hotel, & you most move into a new one and restart challenge

Hotel Manager
- Hotel Manager Most: Make meals for guests, Repair all broken objects, Cook all meals, Clean dirty items, and get to know guests.
- Most lock kitchen, the Hotel Managers Bedroom & Bathroom; so that only hotel manager can access these rooms
- Hotel manager must be young adult
- Most provide at least one meal a day for guests
- Guests can only make themselves snacks/quick meals (manger is required to cook all full meals)
- Guests aren’t allowed to have jobs, however they can earn money other ways (ex:painting, written, etc.)
- Deduct $500 if manger take time off (leaves the hotel)
- Household rewarded $500 every time sims goes sightseeing (leaves lots)
- Rewarded $500 everyday for hotel manager's services
- Rewarded $100 each time hotel manager becomes friends with a guest
- Rewarded $300 each time hotel manager becomes good friends with a guest
- Rewarded $500 each time hotel manager becomes bests friends with a guest
- Rewarded $5000 when sim completes aspiration
- Rewarded $5000 if guest moves out
Requirements for guest to move in/out (You are not required to move guests out, however you will not complete the challenge unless you do so)
Guest must max out on 5 skills to  be able to move out,
Guest most complete their lifetime aspiration
How to complete this challenge?
Have 20 guests move into hotel, and then once they’ve completed their aspiration, move out

Previous Challenges:
Gamer Margaret Sims 3 Hotel Challenge:
My Hotel Challenge:

Good like trying out the new & improved hotel challenge! ~JjSimmer

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